Peninsula Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

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While you are with us

Our experience…
allows you to enjoy yours

While you are with us

There is a lot to consider and prepare when you fall pregnant that it can seem a little overwhelming. Let us guide you through.  

For couples trying to conceive, a negative pregnancy test can be most unwelcome and each month that passes by without falling pregnant can lead to increasing frustration and disappointment.

For women who are generally well (regular periods and no underlying medical conditions) and are trying for your first pregnancy:

  • If you are 35 years or older, see an obstetrician or fertility expert after 6 unsuccessful cycles
  • If you are under 35 years of age, seek help after 12 unsuccessful cycles

Women with very long or irregular cycles, or known gynaecological issues such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), can benefit from a consult with a doctor much earlier. If you're not having periods, you're not ovulating so it's essential to address this before conception is possible.

Couples who are having trouble conceiving their second/next child should seek help after 6 unsuccessful cycles so an assessment for secondary infertility can be undertaken.

Pre-pregnancy screening is optional and should ideally be completed before falling pregnant but can still be done after conceiving. One of the most commonly offered investigations is genetic carrier screening, which includes screening for cystic fibrosis, Fragile X and spinal muscular atrophy. More information about this test can be found here:

Furthermore, it is important to individualize each person’s need for any other screening which may be influenced by one’s family history of hereditary conditions, ethnicity and age. This can be discussed with your family doctor or your obstetrician.

Pre-natal screening is also optional and there are two choices available to women from 10 weeks gestation.

The first and more accurate and more costly option is the non-invasive prenatal screen (NIPS), also known as PERCEPT, Harmony etc. (depending on which pathology laboratory you attend). This test may be performed from 10 weeks gestation and looks for fetal DNA in the maternal blood stream to detect pregnancies which have an increased chance of having a chromosomal condition such as Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21).

The alternative to this test which is less accurate and less costly, is combined first trimester screening performed between 9 and 13 weeks. This test involves a blood test at 9-13 weeks and an ultrasound at 12-13 weeks, which gives an estimate that a pregnancy is affected by a chromosomal condition.

There are other screening investigations that may be done after 14 weeks gestation and this all can be discussed further with your family doctor or your obstetrician.

You can choose an obstetrician at Peninsula Private Hospital by viewing their specialist profiles on our website. Click here for more information. This helps you to get a feel for who might be right for you. We also recommend seeking advice from your GP as they are a wealth of knowledge.

Your GP is a great first contact once you are pregnant- they can help assist you with arranging a referral as well as organising early blood tests and ultrasounds. If you have chosen an obstetrician prior to pregnancy then your GP can provide the referral for you to attend Peninsula Private Hospital.

Maternity tours are valuable opportunity to see the hospital ward for yourself, and to meet with our team face to face to discuss the facilities, services and programs available at our hospital.

These tours run weekly on Sundays at 11am.

Please call (03) 9788 3468 or contact us in advance to book.

Peninsula Private Hospital Maternity Unit has been designed to create surroundings for families that combine the ultimate in comfort and privacy, with modern features and conveniences. All our maternity suites are private and feature:

  • Modern ensuites
  • Tranquil garden outlook and access to courtyard
  • Mini refrigerators
  • Free WiFi
Private Suites
Private Suites
Private Suites

We understand what a special time in your life this is and we want to make you as welcome and comfortable as possible. Partners are welcome in the Maternity Ward at any time of the day or night.

Sleeping arrangements within the suite are available should partners wish to stay the night for which there is no additional fee.


Our onsite catering services department takes pride in the balanced and delicious meals that we serve. We understand the nutritional needs of new mothers, and are happy to meet dietary requirements. A dietician is available on consultation.

Partners are able to join patients as guests for a meal. We offer a complimentary meal from the standard menu for all partners on the first day, and a daily evening meal for partners who stay in our unit overnight. An onsite Hudson’s Café also offers delicious gourmet meals and hot and cold beverages.

We recognise that the support of family and friends plays an important role in patient recovery and wellbeing.

Peninsula Private Hospital facilitates flexible visiting hours for inpatients whilst at the same time acknowledging the need for patients to have sufficient rest periods during their stay.

Visitors electing to park at the hospital are required to take a parking ticket from the car park entrance. Please ensure that you take your ticket with you and pay at the automated pay stations located at the front car park entrance, Building 2 entrance and Lower Ground Consulting Suites prior to returning to your vehicle. Payment by cash or credit and debit cards accepted.

Peninsula Private Hospital has a Hudson's Café in the entrance to the hospital. Here new mums, family and friends can meet and enjoy light meals, snacks and a coffee in friendly, relaxed surroundings.

An early pregnancy

For women who conceive via IVF this is usually done to confirm a successful pregnancy. For natural conceptions this can occur either at your first antenatal visit with your private obstetrician in their rooms or at a private ultrasound clinic as arranged by your GP. These scans are designed to confirm the viability of the pregnancy, check if it is a single or multiple pregnancy and accurately date the pregnancy.

12 week scan

This is another opportunity to confirm an ongoing heartbeat and double check the dates however this scan, when performed thoroughly, has the ability to screen for conditions such as Trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) and some other common chromosomal conditions. A general review of anatomy should be performed at this scan too, with 40% of structural abnormalities seen this early.

20-22 week scan

This is the ‘big scan’. Be prepared to be in the scan clinic for 45 minutes to an hour. A full thorough assessment of all of the anatomy of the baby is checked at this scan. Some parents choose to find out the gender of their baby at this scan.

Third trimester scan

Certain medical or obstetric conditions require a scan at around the 32-34 week mark (for example a low lying placenta, diabetes, fetal abnormality). Check with your obstetrician if this is something recommended for you.

There are a number of medications that are safe during your pregnancy. However, it is always best to consult your doctor prior to commencing any over the counter medications.

A woman’s recovery from a caesarean birth can vary greatly (just the same as after a vaginal birth). It can depend on whether it was elective or an emergency caesarean, and how difficult the last few weeks or days were before the birth itself.

Most women will need opiate pain relief in hospital for the first few days, however, by the time they are ready to go home, the requirements for the stronger medication will be much less. Some women are taking a combination of paracetamol/ibuprofen by the time they leave hospital and require the stronger medication only sporadically.

We usually suggest being as mobile as possible without pain but not lifting heavy objects like a pram or a full washing basket for at least the first 3 weeks and then only if there is no pain with doing so. Speak to your doctor for further information.